Submarine, 1943: Lawson to Angel: You wanna tell me how a man gets 400 feet down without so much as a dive suit?
from Why We Fight (Season 5)
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LAWSON: How you holdin' up, Hodge?

HODGE: Tiptop, sir.

LAWSON: We gotta keep it steady, sailor. If we're gonna get out of this, we need you sharp.

SPINELLI: We're tryin' to figure our next move.

TYLER: We got no means of controlling the ship from up here. Now, these bulkheads hold, we got maybe 2 days of air left.

SPINELLI: That's assuming that they don't figure out how to get through that hatch.

TYLER: What the hell were those things, Lawson?

SPINELLI: I bet you our friend Fritz here knows. (walks toward the German captive) Huh? Huh? What the hell were you sick bastards carryin'?

GERMAN: Wie bitte? Ich verstehe nicht.

SPINELLI: What did you—

(They hear a man screaming from a nearby compartment.)

TYLER: Shh! Shut up, Spinelli!

HODGE: That's Lewis.


TYLER: Christ, he's still alive back there.

(Lawson stares at the door as his shipmate screams and suffers, then suddenly he starts for the door. Spinelli cuts him off.)

SPINELLI: Hey, you, what do you think you're doin'?

LAWSON: Get out of my way, Spinelli.

SPINELLI: They're dead! Nothin' we can do to help them now.

LAWSON: Stay here. I'll go alone.

(Lawson starts to walk past Spinelli, but Spinelli steps toward Lawson, grabbing Lawson's pistol from him)

HODGE: Guys!

SPINELLI: You open that hatch, we all die.

LAWSON: You get that gun out of my face. Right now. Right now.

(A loud, metallic clanging noise distracts them.)

TYLER: What was that?

SPINELLI: Movin' on the hull.

LAWSON: Torpedo room. Bring the German.

O'SHEA: It's in the tubes.

SPINELLI: What the hell is it?

HODGE: Could be another one of them.

SPINELLI: I say we flush the tubes—

LAWSON: Shh! That's S.O.S. Open tube number one.

(The men all stand around pointing their pistols at the torpedo bay while Spinelli opens the hatch. The hatch swings open to reveal Angel has crawled in it from the outside.)


LAWSON: You wanna tell me how a man gets 400 feet down without so much as a dive suit?

ANGEL: Which one of you is Captain Franklin?

LAWSON: Captain's dead.

ANGEL: Who's in charge?

LAWSON: Suppose that'd be me.

ANGEL: Under naval op 4-zero-7, I'm supposed to issue you your order: Charlie Baker Oboe Victor.

LAWSON: Verification?

ANGEL: Nautilus.

(he holsters his gun; the others follow suit)

LAWSON: Yes, sir. All right.

(Angel looks down at the weights on his feet)

ANGEL: Somebody wanna get these things off me?

(cut to later; Hodge and Spinelli are carrying away Angel's weights as they walk away)

HODGE: I'm telling you, he's some sort of super soldier, l-like Steve Rogers or Captain America.

SPINELLI: Steve Rogers is Captain America, you eightball.

HODGE: What?

LAWSON: (to Angel) We're all that's left. An ensign, a helmsman, handful of petty officers. Afraid we're not much, not against them.

ANGEL: What's your name, ensign?

LAWSON: Lawson, sir. Sam Lawson.

ANGEL: OK, Lawson. Keep everyone in this room. Lock it up tight.

(walks toward the door that leads to where the others were killed)

LAWSON: Yes, sir. Sir... I've seen what those things can do to a man. I wouldn't go in there unarmed, not by yourself.

(he offers his gun to Angel)

ANGEL: Keep it. You may need it. It's OK, Lawson. I know what I'm up against. Don't open up this door for anything other than me.

LAWSON: Yes, sir.

(closes the door on Angel)

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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