Buffy's date from First Date (Season 7) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: This isn't right.
PRINCIPAL WOOD: I know it doesn't look promising, but I swear this place is great. It's the best kept secret in town. It's just right down this way.
BUFFY: Well, it is one of the nicer dark alleys.
PRINCIPAL WOOD: I promise you, it's just a little bit further.
(they're jumped buy a gang of vamps. Buffy stakes a few)
BUFFY: You set me up, you son of a? (sees Wood fighting & dusting vamps himself) What?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: I guess we should talk. The restaurant's right there.
(... later, inside the restaurant ...)
BUFFY: This place is nice. How the hell did you do that?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: (chuckles) I've had a little practice. Never took on two at once before, but I have taken out a vamp here or there. And some demons.
BUFFY: So, you're freelance?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Hm... freelance? I guess that's a good way to put it.
BUFFY: And you know who I am?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: You're the slayer.
BUFFY: Right. OK, um, so I'm guessing that you don't work in an office 15 feet above the hell mouth because you enjoy educational administration?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, I actually do enjoy the work, but yeah. Yeah, you're right. I maneuvered myself into that school, that office?just like I maneuvered you there. The hell mouth draws the bad things in close, and now we're headed for something big, Buffy. Really big, and I need to be here when it happens. I want to help.
BUFFY: So, y-you didn't hire me for my counseling skills?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: (laughs, then sees Buffy's hurt look) They're valuable too.
BUFFY: Wh-why didn't you tell me about you?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: I wasn't sure about things yet.
BUFFY: Y-you didn't think you could trust me?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: No, no. No, I wasn't sure I was ready yet?ready to jump into this fight.
BUFFY: And now you are?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, now the fight is starting?or starting to start?and I don't have time to worry anymore. I have to do something.
BUFFY: So, you knew who I was before you even came here.
BUFFY: How? How do you know about slayers?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Right. OK. See, when I was a little boy, my mother was one. The one, actually?the slayer.
BUFFY: Your mother? Wow, I didn't know that any slayers had children.
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, I don't know of any others. She was killed when I was four. I still remember her, but it's a little...fuzzy? You know?
BUFFY: Um, something got her... a demon??
PRINCIPAL WOOD: A vampire. Oh, man, I went through this whole "avenging son" phase in my twenties, but I never found him. So, now I just dust as many of them as I can find. I figure, eventually I'll get him. That's probably why we got jumped outside. I'm not very popular with the bumpy-foreheaded crowd, and I bet you aren't either.
BUFFY: No. Not most of them. Um, so, do you have any slayer powers? I'm sorry, I?I'm just so floored. I-I have no idea what to ask.
PRINCIPAL WOOD: No, I don't have powers. No super-strength or mythic responsibilities. I'm just a guy with a few skills 'cause her watcher took me in and raised me.
BUFFY: So, you decided to tell me?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: That's right.
BUFFY: In a darkened, little romantic French restaurant?
PRINCIPAL WOOD: Um, yeah... Yeah, I'm not really sure how that happened, but yeah.
written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at: