Angel to Penn: You're a cheesy hack. Probably got a killer's shrine
from Somnambulist (Season 1)
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PENN: Well. Look who’s back from his ‘up with people’ meeting.

ANGEL: (to Cordy) Give me a stake.

CORDELIA: It’s like 8 in the morning. - Oh, you mean like (makes a stabbing motion), okay.

PENN: What? You don’t drink, so now no one gets to?

ANGEL: I don’t expect you to understand.

PENN: Oh, I – I understand. I was a Puritan, remember?

ANGEL: It’s gotta end.

PENN: Why? Because you say so? How does that work exactly? You just wake up one morning and decide ‘Okay, now I’m good!’ (Laughs) No, Angelus, it doesn’t end. It never, ever ends. It just goes on and on.

CORDY: That’s not the only thing that goes on and on. (handing the stake to Angel) Here, dust him.

ANGEL: I’m sorry what I did to you, Penn, for what I turned you into.

PENN: First class killer? An Artist? A bold re-interpreter of the form?

ANGEL: Try cheesy hack. Look at you. You’ve been getting back at your father for over 200 years. It’s pathetic and cliched. Probably got a killer shrine on your wall, huh? News clippings, magazine articles, maybe a few candles? Oh, you are *so* prosaic.

WESLEY: (blithely entering) Nothing on the streets about a new vampire in town. (Penn grabs him) Which is maybe because he’s here and has me by the throat.

ANGEL: Let him go!

PENN: You’re right Angelus, my work was getting stale. I appreciate the critique. So look for something new, innovative, something shockingly original. Just think of the worst possible thing you can imagine, and I’ll see you there.

(abandons Wes & flees)

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and double-checked by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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