Xander: What else works for vampire slayage? from The Harvest (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
XANDER: Okay, so, crosses, garlic, stake through the heart.
BUFFY: That'll get it done.
XANDER: Cool! Of course, I don't actually have any of those things.
BUFFY: (hands him a cross) Good thinking.
XANDER: Well, the part of my brain that would tell me to bring that stuff is still busy telling me not to come down here. I have this, though. (turns on a flashlight)
BUFFY: Turn that off!
XANDER: Okay! Okay! So, what else?
BUFFY: What else what?
XANDER: For vampire slayage.
BUFFY: Oh, fire, beheading, sunlight, holy water, the usual.
XANDER: You've done some beheading in your time?
BUFFY: Oh, yeah. There was this time I was pinned down by this guy that played left tackle for varsity... Well, at least he used to before he was a vampire... Anyway, he had this really, really thick neck, and all I had was a little, little Exact-O knife... You're not loving this story.
XANDER: No, actually, I find it oddly comforting.
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: