Xander: Bawdy French Farce from Family (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
XANDER: Still can't believe you're giving up this cherry corner suite.
ANYA: Just a few days after we moved you in!
BUFFY: (shrugs, tries to look casual) It's no big. You know, with Mom not being well, I'm hardly ever here. Just figured I'd ... save a little cash for this semester, that's all.
WILLOW: I think that's smart.
XANDER: Still, it's hard to give up. You've got the two entrances (pointing to the two doors to the room) lot of opportunity for bawdy French farce, and everybody loves bawdy-
BUFFY: Where's Dawn?
RILEY: I think she just walked out.
BUFFY: (hurrying forward) Dawn!
(Dawn re-enters and breezes past Buffy.)
DAWN: Some of your CDs are my CDs.
BUFFY: I know. Come help me fold.
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at: