Just Making Conversation
from Parting Gifts (Season 1)
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BARNEY: I-I-I hear that drawing can be very therapeutic during the grieving period.


BARNEY: I’m – I’m sorry. I couldn’t help sensing your pain. You lost someone close to you, didn’t you?

CORDELIA: Angel told you?

BARNEY: No. I’m empathic. I feel your feelings when you feel them. It’s a gift my kind is blessed with.

CORDELIA: Really. Well, my kind thinks that some things are private. So maybe you shouldn’t be nosing around other people’s feelings without asking them.

BARNEY: You’re right. I-I-I’m sorry. Just trying to make conversation.

CORDELIA: Wait. Barney, I’m sorry. I’m just going through a difficult time right now. I’m just – um…

BARNEY: Missing your friend. Why don’t you tell me about him?

CORDELIA: Doyle? Well, he drank too much and his taste in clothing was like a Greek tragedy. And he could be really sweet sometimes. You’ll like this: he was half demon. A secret he kept from me for – like, ever. I guess that’s the reason he sometimes smelled weird? You know, you remind me a little of him.

BARNEY: I take that as a compliment.

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written by: David Fury and Jeannine Renshaw; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod, checked against source by renenet.. Full transcript at:
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