Cordy to Harmony: Okay, you're coming home with me! from Disharmony (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
CORDELIA: Hello? Hello?
(suddenly screams, surprised to see someone behind her)
HARMONY: That's the way you greet an old friend?
(Cordelia screams a "omigod, I'm so happy to see you" scream)
CORDELIA: Harmony? (they hug) Harmony! I don't believe it!
HARMONY: Yup. It's me.
CORDELIA: Wow. I haven't seen you since...
HARMONY: Our high school blew up.
CORDELIA: Right. Right. Seems like a lifetime ago.
Harmony nods: Oh! For me, too, totally.
CORDELIA: Wow. Look at you. You look - different.
HARMONY: Hey, I'm not the same person I was back at Sunnydale High. - And you - you - you cut your hair!
HARMONY: Well, I think it looks adorable off your neck.
CORDELIA: Thanks. I - was just, you know, looking for a change.
HARMONY: Sure. Change. Change is good - sometimes. So, this is where you do - whatever it is you do?
CORDELIA: Detective Agency.
HARMONY: Right. But - you're not a detective...
CORDELIA: Uh, well, not me - technically, I'm... - Mostly, I manage things. The office.
HARMONY: Huh. Sounds - rewarding.
CORDELIA: So, what are you doing here in town? Business?
HARMONY: No. No business. Play, play, play. - Uhm, I just broke up with someone. Real smothering relationship. You know, the kind where they just can't live without you?
CORDELIA: Oh, sure. That one. Hate that.
HARMONY: I thought it would be a good time to come check out the L.A. nightlife, look up certain old friends.
CORDELIA: You got a place to stay?
HARMONY: You offering?
CORDELIA: Do I have to say it?
CORDELIA: Okay, you're coming home with me. (Hugs her) I hope you don't mind the couch.
written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: