Shaman: Without the Muo-Ping... you're screwed.
from Calvary (Season 4)
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(sounds of fighting. A guard comes flying through the door way and lies in a heap)

SHAMAN: Must acquire better guards.

(Connor, Cordelia, and Wesley enter the room.)

WESLEY: Angel's soul has been stolen.

SHAMAN: I have no need for the vampire's soul.

CONNOR: Then where is it?

SHAMAN: That... (rolls dice, reads them) I cannot discern, but it is still viable within the Muo-Ping.

CONNOR: Muo-what?

WESLEY: It's still safe within the container.

CORDELIA: Angel's soul has been misplaced. I bet this sort of thing happens all the time. What do you have as a backup plan to re-ensoul somebody?

SHAMAN: There is no other way known to me. Without the Muo-Ping... you're screwed.

CONNOR: And what happens if the Muo—container thing breaks or gets opened?

SHAMAN: Then, like all things, the soul can be returned... or destroyed.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell & Steven S. DeKnight & Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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