Justine to Fred & Gunn: Wes' side? His side's kinda funny: he sacrificed everything he believed in to save that kid.
from Forgiving (Season 3)
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(Justine has retreated back to where Holtz first took her, Sahjahn's place. Fred & Gunn enter, having followed her)

GUNN: Where's Wes?

JUSTINE: He's not comin' back.

GUNN: What?

JUSTINE: It was all lies. Every bit of it. All he wanted was that kid. To punish Angel. He never cared about anything else.

GUNN: I'm talkin' about Wesley. His car's parked up top here, you obviously took it from him, where is he?

FRED: We just wanna hear his side.

JUSTINE: His side? His side's kinda funny: he sacrificed everything he believed in to save that kid.

GUNN: By helping Holtz take him to hell? I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth.

JUSTINE: Your friend's innocent.

FRED: Is he alive? Where is he? Will you please just tell us.

JUSTINE: Heaven... Hell... I slit his throat.

(Fred slaps her, Justine swings back, but Gunn deflects her and sends her sprawling; theres a brief scuffle, with Gunn triumphant)

GUNN: Stay down.

JUSTINE: Um, no.

(she attacks again, and Gunn puts her down)

JUSTINE: I trusted the wrong man.

GUNN: You're takin' us to him. And he better be alive.

SAHJAHN: (entering) You call that a fight? Let me show you how we used to do it...

(cut to commercial)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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