Doyle gets to know his demon side
from In the Dark (Season 1)
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DOYLE: What?

CORDELIA: It?s not in the freezer and it?s not in the toilet tank. In the movies it?s always in one of those places.

DOYLE: It?s not here.

CORDELIA: Well, we?ve looked everywhere.

DOYLE: Except...

CORDELIA: The rat infested sewer tunnels he uses to get around in the daytime.

(The sewers.)

CORDELIA: This is not a needle in a haystack, this is a needle in Kansas.

DOYLE: Yeah, I know, you?re right. We just gotta keep looking.

(Doyle lets Cordelia get a ways ahead of him. Then his face turns green, and blue spikes pop out all over his face. He sniffs the air, then his face returns to normal, and he walks over to where Angel hid the ring and picks it up.)

DOYLE: Here!

CORDELIA: How did you do that?

DOYLE: Hey, you gotta get lucky sometimes.

CORDELIA: I could hug you! (Doyle spreads out his arms) Not that lucky. Now, come on we?ve got save Angel!

DOYLE: Right, by giving Spike exactly what he wants so he can kill us.

CORDELIA: Right! No. We need a plan.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked by M'lyn.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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