Warren: is that the cam in the Magic Box? from Entropy (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
WILLOW: (re computer screen) I think I got the Magic Box -- Whoa!
(cut to trio's lair)
WARREN: No! Shut it down! Shut it all down!
ANDREW: I'm trying, I can't find --
JONATHAN: Here, dorkface...
ANDREW: I'll get it myself-
WARREN: Guys, we have to -- oh holy crap. What is that, porn?
JONATHAN: Oh my God.
WARREN: Is that the cam in the Magic Box?
JONATHAN: Oh my God.
ANDREW: What are they... oh.
WARREN: Is that --
ANDREW: He is *so* cool... (catching himself) And, I mean, the girl is hot too.
(cut back to Willow & co, Buffy & Xander move to see the screen)
WILLOW: Wait, Xander, no.
XANDER: Oh, God.
DAWN: (entering) Hey guys, what's up--
(Willow covers her eyes)
XANDER: I -- what is she -- ?
WILLOW: (seeing Buffy's face) Buffy?
BUFFY: That's enough. (leaves)
WILLOW: (snapping to) Here, lemme just... You know, we aren't even really sure what we were just seeing here, there could be something -- there, got it --
written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; No transcript was available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. Link to a full transcript now available. . Full transcript at: