Faith saves a girl from Who Are You? (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Faith stakes the vamp, saves the girl)
FAITH: (to girl) You'll live.
Girl: (frightened) He was so strong! I--
FAITH: (nonchalant) Yeah, well . . . he's gone now.
(The girl touches the blood on her neck and looks at it. As Faith turns to walk away, she reaches out and catches her hand, stopping her.)
Girl: (gratefully) Thank you. *Thank you*.
FAITH: (unsure) Yeah. It's cool.
WILLOW: Everything poofed?
FAITH: All's well in the world.
WILLOW: Tara's not feeling well. I'm gonna walk her home.
FAITH: Yeah. You give her whatever she needs.
WILLOW: Are you gonna be in later, or you going over to Riley's?
(Faith blinks several times and then smiles.)
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by *Joseph B*. Full transcript at: