Fred: It's my boys.
from A Hole in the World (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(Fred lies in a hospital room. Gunn, Spike, Wesley, Lorne, Angel and Knox are gathered around her bed when she comes to.)

FRED: It's my boys. I haven't had this many big, strapping men at my bedside since that night with the varsity lacrosse team.

(no one reacts; Fred laughs)

FRED: That was a joke.

LORNE: Well, you sure gave us all a big scare, Freddles.

ANGEL: Yeah, you just need to rest. The lab is doing some blood work.

FRED: I'm a mummy, aren't I?

SPIKE: I've fought plenty of mummies, and none of 'em were as pretty as you. Almost none.

FRED: Now y'all are being too comforting. What's really up?

GUNN: You're sick, and you're making it worse by worrying.

KNOX: We've got that sarcophagus under the scope. If it gave you anything, we'll isolate it in a few hours.

FRED: So, you don't know what it is?



ANGEL: We're gonna work this. Shouldn't take long.

FRED: Handsome man saves me.

ANGEL: That's how it works. Let's get crackin'.

(exits, everyone but Wes follows)

FRED: (to Wes) Hmph. Get crackin'. He's such an old fogey. I know you gotta go be book man.

WESLEY: Yes. Just hit that line—I'll be here in a heartbeat.

FRED: Assuming I still have one.

WESLEY: Hush. (kisses Fred's forehead)

(Angel and Spike, who are waiting by the door for Wesley, see Wesley kiss Fred.)

ANGEL: Wes and Fred?

SPIKE: You didn't know?

ANGEL: I didn't know.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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