Angel: they weren't after Cordy, they were after Lorne
from Slouching Toward Bethlehem (Season 4)
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FRED: If it makes you feel better, I would have chosen you.

ANGEL: Thanks. But no, it doesn't.

GUNN: Hey, just remember, man, that's not really Cordy— well, not all of her.

ANGEL: Maybe she's right. Maybe we should've spilled everything from the start, you know? Played it all card-up.

GUNN: You mean demons and monsters and vamps card-up? Wouldn't've worked.

FRED: She's confused is all. Give her time. She'll see the truth: who the real champion is.

GUNN: Damn straight! If Team Angel hadn't shown up with a little clobbering time, Wolfram and Hart would've nabbed her and probably—

(Angel heard something from the other room. He stands, and directs Fred and Gunn to back him up. They bust into the office only to find Lorne tied up in a chair, bound and gagged, with a large bleeding hold in his head. He's passed out.)

FRED:Oh, my God!

ANGEL: Lorne?

FRED: Is he alive?

ANGEL: What happened? Who did this?


GUNN: Wesley? Not again. (Lorne shakes his head no)

ANGEL: Wolfram and Hart. (Lorne nods his head yes)

GUNN: OK, but-but why? I thought Cordy was their target.

ANGEL: They must've known Lorne read her.

GUNN: OK wait, so are you saying that the slam dance at Connor's place was a decoy?

ANGEL: And we fell for it like a bunch of rookies. They weren't after Cordy, they were after what Lorne saw when she sang.

FRED: They sucked it out of his head?

LORNE: Mm-hmm.

ANGEL: How much? What'd they get?

LORNE: They had—they had a demon. I-I wouldn't talk. And the thing burrowed... inside. And took Cordy out.

ANGEL: Lorne, how much did they get?

LORNE: All of it.

FRED: They tricked us.

GUNN: Wolfram and Hart or Wesley. He's the one who showed up with the hot tip about Junior. How do we know he's not the one playing us?

ANGEL: We don't. But what we do know is that Wolfram and Hart may now know more about Cordy's doom and gloom thing than we do. And that's a problem.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Originally transcribed by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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