Wesley: Harm. Such a fitting nickname. from Disharmony (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Wesley is marking points on a map)
GUNN: Two USC students grabbed in a parking garage. Fourth and Figueroa.
WESLEY: Got it. Next.
GUNN: Guy was snatched to blocks over on sixth.
WESLEY: Really? When was this?
GUNN: Last night. Heard about it from one of my guys.
(over on the other side of the room, Cordy is researching on-line)
HARMONY: Nothing. It's just - I can't believe this is what you do now. We always said we were going to do something cool with our lives. Now look at us. You're an office manager and I'm dead.
CORDELIA: Yeah, well, life takes some funny turns sometimes. - Maybe I'm not where I though I would be, but it's still... Ho! Hey! Hello! Guys? Found something.
CORDELIA: And there is nothing mystical about this. Department of Justice website. It's a logo for a defunct pyramid scheme.
GUNN: Vamps running money scams now? That's low.
CORDELIA: This particular one was run by a motivational speaker and - ugh, lord help me - self-described 'life-coach' named Doug Sanders. Held meetings all over the city until the feds caught up with him.
ANGEL: He was arrested?
CORDELIA: According to this he disappeared. Still at large.
WESLEY: Sounds like he has the makings of a cult leader.
CORDELIA: Oh, hold on. Here is something: a list of his known meeting sites - and a picture!
GUNN: Now we're talking!
HARMONY: Oh, let me see!
(Harmony, leaning over, spills her blood all over Cordy's computer, causing it to short-circuit and spark)
HARMONY: Okay, that was my fault.
WESLEY: Get her out of here. Now.
CORDELIA: Come on, Harm.
WESLEY: Such a fitting nickname.
(He picks up the keyboard and holds it sideways to let the blood drip out. )
WESLEY: Oh, bloody hell.
written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: