Lindsey: it's a start.
from Destiny (Season 5)
captures from this scene

(Eve enters an apartment with symbols painted everywhere, starts to get undressed, talking all the while to an unseen person)

EVE: You know, funny thing about throwing the universe out of whack... not as fun as it sounds. On the plus side, they totally fell for the cup of torment thing. Just like you thought they would. And our Mr. Sirk pulled off his vanishing act without a hitch. Right under the senior partners' noses. And you might be happy to know... Team Angel is on red alert. Could be they think the partners just fired a warning shot across their bow. Oh, and, by the way, Spike didn't kill Angel, but they did beat each other to bloody pulps.

(naked, she crawls into bed, snuggles up to the man laying there. Who is in fact, Lindsey McDonald, formerly of Wolfram and Hart circa season 1 & 2. He's covered with tattoos matching the symbols painted on the apartment walls)

LINDSEY: Well... it's a start.

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written by: David Fury & Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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