Spike: in civilized cultures, that's called trespassing from All the Way (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: (bursting into Spike's crypt) Get your gear together. We need to... (doesn't see him) Spike?
SPIKE: (from behind) You know...in civilized cultures, that's called trespassing.
BUFFY: Good thing you're uncivilized. We got trouble.
SPIKE: Giles found you?
BUFFY: Giles? No. Was he looking for me?
SPIKE: Yeah, it's Dawn.
BUFFY: Dawn? Why, what happened?
SPIKE: No, it's okay, Giles was by here earlier looking for you. Dawn and her little friend pulled a Houdini. Up to a bit of candy-corn mischief, I suspect.
BUFFY: Wait, she's out there running around by herself?
SPIKE: Yeah, kids these days, eh? I did a sweep of the tunnels, Giles is poking about the cemetery.
BUFFY: (opening a trunk) We have to find her.
SPIKE: I don't think she's in there.
(she tosses him a cross-bow)
written by: Steven S. DeKnight; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me. . Full transcript at: