Giles Dream: Singing plot exposition
from Restless (Season 4)
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WILLOW: Rupert. You've gotta focus. You must have some kind of explanation. If we don't know what we're fighting, I don't think we stand a chance.

(Giles frowns, goes to the stage and begins to sing.)

GILES: (sings) It's strange, it's not like anything we've faced before. It seems familiar somehow. Of course! The spell we cast with Buffy Must have released Some primal evil that's come back seeking... I'm not sure what... Willow, look through the chronicles For some reference To a warrior beast I've got to warn Buffy There's every chance she might be next Xander, help Willow

(Shot of Willow and Xander holding up cigarette lighters while reading the books.)

GILES: (sings) And try not to bleed on my couch I've just had it steam-cleaned. No, wait...

(Loud feedback. The mike goes dead and the band stops playing. Giles looks confused. He gets down on his knees and starts following the microphone cord backstage. He traces it to a big pile of tangled cord, digs in it and pulls out his pocket watch on its chain.)

GILES: Well, that was ... obvious.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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