Principal Wood: we just do what we can
from Help (Season 7)
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BUFFY: What am I supposed to do?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, you did what you were supposed to do. You reported the situation to me.

BUFFY: And...

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Listen, Buffy, it's hard. Kids this age... they're hurting, they're pissed off, and they say things. Sometimes they say awful things. When I was in high school, I had a thing with this guy, right? Real bully. I kept telling everyone that he'd better sleep with one eye open 'cause I was gonna bust his ass. Well, I got suspended. Talk like that is taken pretty seriously where I come from.

BUFFY: The hood?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Beverly Hills... which is a hood. Listen, the point is, I was talking big because I was scared. I couldn't bust a move back in high school, let alone someone's ass. Most of the time, that's what it is when these students act out. Fear, pain?

BUFFY: But sometimes, it's not just talk, right?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Every time there's a threat like this, we do the same dance. Inform teachers, search lockers, but we can't?we can't know what's gonna happen, and we can't search their brains. We just?we just do what we can.

BUFFY: It's not enough. I need to fix this. I don't usually get a heads up before somebody dies.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: What do you mean usually?

BUFFY: No. No, not since... I mean, I'm sure it's not usual to get a chance to stop something like... I just I need to do something, OK? I have to make this better -- (spills coffee on her shirt) Oh! Oh, shoot.

(High school hallway. When Dawn closes her locker, Buffy's standing there)

BUFFY: I have a job for you.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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