Jenny: Well! You really are an old-fashioned boy, aren't you? from I Robot, You Jane (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
JENNY: (Well, look who's here! Welcome to my world. You scared?
GILES: I'm remaining calm, thank you. Uh, I just wanted to, uh, return this. (holds up a small curly earring) I found it among the new books, and naturally I thought of you.
JENNY: Cool. Thanks.
GILES: Uh, well, I'll, I'll see you anon. (begins to go)
JENNY: Can't get outta here fast enough, can you?
GILES: (comes back in) Truthfully, I'm even less anxious to be around computers than I used to be.
JENNY: Well, it was your book that started all the trouble, not a computer. Honestly, what is it about them that bothers you so much?
GILES: The smell.
JENNY: Computer's don't smell, Rupert.
GILES: I know! Smell is the most powerful trigger to the memory there is. A certain flower or a, a whiff of smoke can bring up experiences... long forgotten. Books smell. Musty and, and, and, and rich. The knowledge gained from a computer, is, uh, it... it has no, no texture, no, no context. It's, it's there and then it's gone. If it's to last, then, then the getting of knowledge should be, uh, tangible, it should be, um... smelly.
JENNY: Well! You really are an old-fashioned boy, aren't you?
GILES: Well, I-I don't dangle a corkscrew from my ear.
JENNY: (mischievously) That's not where I dangle it.
written by: Ashley Gable & Thomas A. Swyden; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: