Buffy: This things in me, and I can't stop it
from Earshot (Season 3)
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BUFFY: It's just I'm scared Will. There's this thing in me and I can't fight it. I can't stop it. What if it changes me. Not just the way I look. All of a sudden I could be something that's not me anymore.

CHEERLEADERS 7. 8. P. E. R. C. Y. It's Percy. Gooo Percy.

WILLOW: (looking away from Buffy and at the cheerleaders) Yeah, woo hoo!...sorry, they spelled Percy, and, and, I have to show support-he's needy. But I heard what you were saying, really. And I would be frightened too, but I'm sure you're gonna be okay.

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written by: Jane Espenson; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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