Spike: Lei-ach demon
from Family (Season 5)
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XANDER: It's over there!

GILES: How many are there?

ANYA: I've already been injured once this month!

BUFFY: Shut up!

(Buffy tries to sense the demons. Tara enters.)

TARA: Buffy, behind you!

(Buffy blocks an attack)

BUFFY: Tara, where is it? Can you see it?

TARA: Oh, god. (chanting) Blind Cadria, lift your veil. Give evil form... ...and break my spell.

(We see a light flash in Buffy's eyes and suddenly she can see the demon, which is rushing at Tara. It hits her in the face; she goes down. The demon turns back to Buffy. She punches it, then it grabs her arm and throws her to the floor. Tara's dad enters, followed by Donny and Beth. )


(The demon looks up, rushes toward Mr. Maclay. Buffy, still on the floor, trips the demon, flips to her feet and kills it)

MR. MACLAY: What in god's name is that?

(Spike enters from the back.)

SPIKE: Lei-ach demon. Fun little buggers. Big with the marrow-sucking.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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