Fred to Angel: go help your friends? But it's safe here with me... from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Fred dabs at the wounds in Angel's chest. Angel's eyes slowly flutter open.)
FRED: Oh. There you are. Good.
FRED: You heal fast.
ANGEL: One of the pluses of being a beast.
FRED: But you're not. When you were fighting this time, you didn't change.
ANGEL: I was afraid.
FRED: Of what?
ANGEL: That if I did, I'd never get back.
FRED: You're not a beast.
(We hear laughter. Fred turns her head to look at the blue faced Captain lying bound on the floor behind her.)
CAPTAIN: We'll write that on your bones once he tears you to pieces.
FRED: I'll just roll him over the cliff into the drokken gully like I did the others.
ANGEL: Wait. I need to talk to him. What can you tell me about the princess, huh?
CAPTAIN: The filthy cow bitch who brought you into our world?
ANGEL: Call her that again - I'll remove your face - slowly.
CAPTAIN: Once the groosalug mates with her - she'll be put to death. Like we already did with that traitor, Krevlorneswath.
ANGEL: You killed Lorne?
CAPTAIN: We cut his head off and mutilated his body.
ANGEL: I have to go.
FRED: It's too dangerous. They'll kill you.
ANGEL: My friends are in trouble. One of them is already dead.
FRED: But it's safe here. Out there it's... It's safe here with me.
ANGEL: (quietly) I'm sorry.
(The Captain pulls a knife from his sleeve and cuts at the bonds around his
FRED: They'll kill you and you'll turn into that beast - maybe not exactly in that order.
ANGEL: My friends are in trouble.
FRED: But the beast. I know you don't want them to see you that way. (Angel looks away) I'm not afraid of it like everyone else.
(The Captain launches himself at them with his knife. Angel pulls Fred out of the way, as Fred lets out a scream. He twists the Captain's knife around and stabs him with it; the Captain drops. Angel goes over to Fred and pulls the hand clamped over her right upper arm away to get a look at the wound underneath.)
ANGEL: Alright. You'll be alright.
written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: