Demon: Want cash for books from Enemies (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
Demon: Ow! Ooh! What are you, nuts? Going around punching people?
Buffy pulls off its hat to reveal two horns growing out of its forehead.
BUFFY: People?
Demon: So what, I'm a demon. That makes it okay? Hold it, whoa! Stake me now, and you never find out what I got for ya, huh? Think about it. Demon seeks Slayers, highly unusual?
FAITH: Talk fast.
Demon: How would you like to get your hands on the Books of Ascension?
BUFFY: Never heard of 'em.
Demon: Books of Ascension. Very powerful works and I'm not talking about the prose. They deal with some, ah, dark stuff. And the Mayor would hate for somebody to get ahold before he, ah, well you know.
BUFFY: Don't know. Before he what?
Demon: Hey, hey, read 'em and weep. That's all I got to say. Tomorrow, I get the books. Meet me here and if the price is right, well I give the books to you.
BUFFY: Not really looking to trade with a demon.
Demon: And if this were still a barter economy, that would be a problem. I want cash, princess, five large for the whole set.
FAITH: So you can buy, I'm guessing here, some skin care products.
Demon: Plane ticket. Out of the Hellmouth before its adios, Slayer Loco. So, five G's, what do you say?
FAITH: I think "Die Fiend" sums it up, wouldn't you say.
BUFFY: Oh, let him go. I don't think he falls into the deadly threat to humanity category.
FAITH: A demon's a demon.
BUFFY: I'd like to know about these Books of Ascension. Anything that would pin the Mayor down would be great.
FAITH: Yeah. It'd be great.
written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at: