Riley: was that a practice conversation?
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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RILEY: Oh, hey, you know how we were talking about having a picnic? I was thinkin' - do you ever hang out at Rhode's field? It's beautiful there. Usually not that crowded, either. I thought maybe we could have a little spread - sandwiches, maybe some ants? It'll be fun.

BUFFY: We were talking about having a picnic?

RILEY: So, was that a conversation I actually had, or one I was just practicing?

BUFFY: Practicing?

RILEY: Okay, yes - I have been known to do a little prep work before our conversations. It's not easy, you know, talking to you sometimes. It's like an oral exam.

BUFFY: Boy.. that's just what every girl longs to hear.

RILEY: Well, you're tricky!

BUFFY: Like an exam?

RILEY: I never know how you're going to react to something. That's why I like you so much. You're a mystery. Probably every beautiful girl in the world has some jerk telling her she's a mystery, but.. I swear. You really are. There's a lot about you that needs puzzling out.

(Buffy's just staring at him with a wistful look)

RILEY: I loose you somewhere?

BUFFY: Right around.. beautiful.

(He smiles shyly)

RILEY: Hey - don't you just love a picnic?

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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