Jonathan to Spike: you'll be instant soup mix
from Superstar (Season 4)
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ANYA: They weren't very well organized. If they had all rushed at Buffy they could have killed her right away.

BUFFY: Thanks Anya. That won't keep me awake all night.

JONATHAN: Vampires only form nests to make hunting easier. They're not big on the cooperation. They mostly like to hang out all creepy and alone in the shadows. Don't you agree... Spike?

Spike steps out from behind a bush.

SPIKE: Well, well the man himself.

JONATHAN: What are you doing here?

SPIKE: I live here. I wasn't exactly pining for a noisy visit from 'wonder Jonathan and his fluffy battle kittens'.

BUFFY: Yeah? You think that one up with all the time you spend not being able to bite people?

JONATHAN: Careful, he's still pretty dangerous.

SPIKE: Yeah, back off Betty.

BUFFY: It's Buffy, you big bleached... stupid guy.

JONATHAN: Spike you're the worst type of scum. The second you're back to your old tricks well, let's just say before you even sniff out your first victim you'll be pretty indistinguishable from, oh what should we say... instant soup mix.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Corwin2. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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