Wig Lady: DoubleMeet workers slide down so smooth!
from Doublemeat Palace (Season 6)
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BUFFY: Wig! Wig lady?

WIG LADY: (OS) Oh dear. Wig lady, is that what they call me? I don't care for that. I mean, I have to do something to hide this.

(A long snake-like thing comes out of her head & squirts Buffy)

WIG LADY: It's paralyzing. Don't try to move, dear. You really can't, much. The paralysis spreads upward, by the way. You may want to flail your arms a bit while you still can. Did I tell you? You're my favorite. DoubleMeat workers. You're all so full of DoubleMeat burgers, and you just slide down so smooth. Oh, I just love the paralysis. It means I can eat you slowly.

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written by: Jane Espenson; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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