Xander: nobody messes with my Willow
from The Pack (Season 1)
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WILLOW: I heard the vice-principal's taking over till they can find a replacement.

BUFFY: It shouldn't be too hard to find a new principal. Unless they ask what happened to the last one.

XANDER: Okay, but I had nothing to do with that, right?

BUFFY: Oh, right.

WILLOW: You only ate the pig.

XANDER: I ate a pig? Was it cooked and called bacon or... (The girls shake their heads.) Oh, my God! I ate a pig? I mean, the whole trichinosis issue aside, yuck!

BUFFY: Well, it wasn't really you.

XANDER: Well, I remember I was goin' on the field trip, and then goin' down to the Hyena House, and next thing some guy's holding Willow and he's got a knife.

WILLOW: You saved my life.

XANDER: Hey! Nobody messes with my Willow. (gives her a hug)

BUFFY: This is definitely the superior Xander. Accept no substitutes.

XANDER: I didn't do anything else, did I, around you guys or anything embarrassing?


WILLOW: Not at all.

BUFFY: (to Willow) C'mon. We're gonna be late.

WILLOW: (to Xander) See you at lunch.

XANDER: Cool! Oh, hey, goin' vegetarian! Huh?

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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