Anne: He says he has proof. from Blood Money (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Hill Side Teen Centre)
ANNE: Hello? Is anybody out here?
ANGEL: Anne.
ANNE: You startled me. What are you doing here?
ANGEL: I have to talk to you.
ANNE: Oh boy. You're not...stalking me, are you?
ANGEL: Actually, I am.
ANNE: Excuse me?
ANGEL: These are pictures, I've taken of you. Surveillance photos. This is your wallet. I stole it when we 'accidentally' ran into each other last night. Wasn't an accident.
ANNE: I'm calling the police.
ANGEL: Wait. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just couldn't stand lying to you anymore.
ANNE: Lying about what? That you're a psycho?
ANGEL: I've been following you, that's true. But not for the reasons you think.
ANNE: There's a good reason?
ANGEL: Wolfram and Hart. They're not saints, Anne. They don't care about you or your shelter.
ANNE: You're following me because of...
ANGEL: I checked it out.They'll use your charity for good publicity. Offer to throw you a big fund raiser, money starts rolling in... but wait! You're not the one counting it. So who knows how much they're keeping back right from the start. Next they'll give you a list of expenses, all very proper and necessary, but what do you know? After a certain number of miscellaneous, untraceable fees, you're left with five percent, tops.
ANNE: You follow me. Take my pictures. Steal my wallet. What makes you think I'll believe anything you say?
ANGEL: Wolfram and Hart aren't what they say they are. They show the world one face but it's not the truth. I can prove it. Everything they say is a lie.
ANNE: Guess you have something in common, huh?
(Lindsey walks in.)
ANNE: Lindsey!
LINDSEY: Are you alright?
ANNE: Fine. I...
LINDSEY: He didn't hurt you, did he? Believe me, if I would have known this man was in contact with you, I would have come sooner. I'm just thankful that I got here in time.
ANGEL: Little over the top. Maybe if you worked on that look of concern.
LINDSEY: (to Anne) He's unbalanced. Very dangerous.
ANGEL: You haven't seen anything yet.
LINDSEY: Neither have you.
(The door opens.)
BOONE: It's been a long time.
LINDSEY: (to Anne) I brought some protection.
ANGEL: Boone. Working for Wolfram and Hart. I thought you had integrity.
BOONE: I do. Here's fair warning.
(Boone stretches his hands down and a metal coil wraps itself around them. They fight, Angel runs out.)
BOONE: He's getting away!
LINDSEY: That's fine as long as he's not threatening my client. (Whispers) Soon. But not here. (Regular voice) Go out to the car. I'll meet you there. I don't think he's gonna be back tonight.
(Boone leaves.)
LINDSEY: It's okay. Angel's gone. You're safe.
ANNE: That, guy who beat up Angel, he wasn't human.
LINDSEY: No. You see, Anne, there's a different world...
ANNE: Lindsey, I'm not naïve.
LINDSEY: Oh. Well, Angel's not human either. He's a vampire. He's a sick, deranged...
ANNE: He says you're planning to steal most of the money from the fund raiser.
LINDSEY: Well, he's lying. I mean, there are: expenses... You know how this works, with any charity event, especially one this big. But we don't steal.
ANNE: He says he has proof.
LINDSEY: (after beat) He's lying about that, too. I mean, who're you gonna trust, Anne? You're gonna trust a mentally unstable vampire? Or you're gonna trust people that have worked night and day to put this fundraiser together for your kids? I would hate to see them lose out because you made the wrong choice.
ANNE: So he doesn't have proof.
LINDSEY: (after beat) He can't have proof.
written by: Mere Smith & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at: