Spike: cute little government chip
from Out of My Mind (Season 5)
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(Spike grins to himself as Harmony sits in his chair and takes out a cigarette. She begins flicking a lighter, trying to light it. She flicks it quite a few times before she finally figures it out and gets the cigarette lit. )

SPIKE: Taking up smoking, are you?

HARMONY: I *am* a villain, Spike, hellooooo. (Takes a drag and starts to cough)

SPIKE: I guess you are at that. What with the slayer on your tail and all. She's not the type to give up, either. She'll hunt you down, day and night, till you're too tired and too hungry to run any more. And then? (leans down to grab a handful of dust) Then... (dusting off his hands) that is you. I guess you're gonna have to kill her.

HARMONY: (whining) I tried! It was all hard and stuff! You do it.

SPIKE: I'd love to. But, I can't. Remember? I've got this cute little government chip in my head.

HARMONY: Oh, right. Guess it'll have to be me after all. Can you help with the thinking?

SPIKE: Yeah. I suppose I could do that.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 40

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