Pierce: I'm not boring you am I? from The Bachelor Party (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
PIERCE: See you have to study weather trends in order to make a good play in agriculture markets. And once you do, you'll never look at a soybean the same way again. God, listen to me! I'm not boring you, am I?
CORDELIA: I don't mind.
PIERCE: Like today, there *was* some heavy trading - lean hog options. The spread dropped about 1700 points. I mean in November they were at 6 cents. You know what I did? I sold at 6 and 1/8 of a cent! 6 and 1/8. Can you imagine anything more exciting then that?
written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at: