Buffy: freaky cereal boxes of death
from Doomed (Season 4)
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(Buffy studies the symbol)

BUFFY: I wonder where I've seen this before?


BUFFY: Where else? The place I spend most of my waking hours memorizing stuff of the sides of mausoleums, big freaky cereal boxes of death.

(There is a noise of stone scraping. Cut to the green demon picking up the bones of a childs skeleton and putting them into a burlap sack.)

BUFFY: Door was open.

(Demon turns and roars at her. They fight. Buffy ends up outside on her back. She senses a presence, flips to her feet and is about to pound when she realizes it's Riley, not the demon)

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written by: Marti Noxon, David Fury, and Jane Espenson; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 35

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