Mr. Flutie: Meet our new mascot, Herbert the fierce Razorback from The Pack (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
Mr. Flutie: (re pig) Look out! It's gotten loose! (recaptures the pig) Lordy, Herbert! Gave Mr. Flutie quite a scare, didn't he? Students, I'd like you all to met Herbert, our new mascot for the Sunnydale High Razorbacks!
BUFFY: He's so cute!
Mr. Flutie: He's not cute. No! He's a fierce Razorback!
BUFFY: He doesn't look mean, Mr. Flutie.
Mr. Flutie: He's mean, he's ready for action! See? (indicates Herbert's helmet with foam tusks) Here are the tusks... (gestures at a piece of serrated green foam tied to Herbert's back) the scary Razorback!
BUFFY: You're right. He's a fine mascot and will engender school spirit.
Mr. Flutie: Uh, he better. Costs a fortune to feed him. (to Herbert) Alright, let's get you back into your cage.
written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: