Buffy to Nurse: Candidate for what?
from Anne (Season 3)
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(Night. Blood bank. Buffy has broken in and is going through the records. Rickie's is marked with "candidate". The nurse enters.)

BUFFY: Candidate for what?

Nurse: What are you doing?

BUFFY: Breaking into your office and going through your private files. Candidate for what?

Nurse: I'm calling the police.

BUFFY: Now, you've got a whole bunch of candidates here. I wonder if any of them are missing like Rickie. Gosh, I bet they are.

Nurse: You're getting yourself in a lot of trouble.

BUFFY: I don't want any trouble. I just want to be alone and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one. Instead, I keep getting trouble, which I am more than willing to share. What are you doing with these kids?

Nurse: Nothing. I just... I give him the names of the healthy ones.

BUFFY: Give them to who?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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