Aunt Martha: It's pornographic Pictionary time.
from The Bachelor Party (Season 1)
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(Cut to Harry's shower.)

HARRY: It was a nightmare. Okay, well maybe not at first. Initially, I really liked the way he took charge.

CORDELIA: Doyle?! Took charge.

HARRY: It was sweet. But after a while, I mean, I know how to cut my own meat, thanks. Sometimes it felt like I was one of his students.

CORDELIA: That's funny, for a moment I thought you said one of Doyle's students?

HARRY: It wasn't fun being treated like a third grader, believe me.

CORDELIA: Grade third taught Doy.. (tries again) Doyle taught third grade? The kind with children?

HARRY: Well, yeah.

CORDELIA: Are you sure he wasn't just held back and used that as a cover story?

HARRY: Francis got his teaching credentials before we even met at the food bank...

CORDELIA: Okay, soup kitchen. Now that sounds like the Doyle I've come to know and revile.'re about to tell me he ran it, aren't you?

HARRY: He was just a volunteer. That's where he got the idea for the 'We Are The World' thing. I'm kidding about that part.

AUNT MARTHA: Come on girls, it's pornographic Pictionary time!

HARRY: (to Cordelia) Their ways are *not* - our ways.

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written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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