Gunn: I'm starting to think maybe it's time we meet Angelus from Awakening (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
NEWSCASTER: Officials from the national weather service remain baffled as to the cause of this strange phenomenon. All that's being reported at this mid-afternoon hour is what meteorologists are calling quote: a localized abnormality, confirming earlier reports that outlying areas remain unaffected. While the sun over Los Angeles has, for all intents and purposes, been blotted out from the sky. The Mayor's office has scheduled a news conference for six'o'clock this evening regarding this bizarre development and what it may mean for the city.
GUNN: I'll tell you what it means. (walks to the television and switches it off) Soon as vamps everywhere realize this town's open for business 24/7, there's gonna be a huge rise in undead tourism.
CORDELIA: We just got to find a way to bring back the sun.
FRED: Working on it. Failing miserably, but working on it. I could really use some help deciphering some of these symbols—or, all of them, really. (sighs) I need Wesley— (looks at Gunn, then away) his expertise.
GUNN: Yeah, well Rogue Warrior took off without a word, right after Electro-Gwen decided to skip town when the going got tougher. Not big on the teamwork, either one of them.
CONNOR: You're wasting your time. The answer is among us. (gestures to Angel) He knows. He's part of the plan.
CORDELIA: He doesn't remember.
CONNOR: So he says. You saw him yourself—making a pact with the Beast.
CORDELIA: It wasn't Angel in my vision, it was Angelus.
CONNOR: He is Angelus.
CORDELIA: Believe me, you've never met Angelus.
GUNN: Me neither. But I'm starting to think maybe it's time we did. Maybe Wes is right. Big Beastie has got to be stopped, and I'm fresh out of ideas. If there's even a chance Angelus could have inside info we could use—
CORDELIA: And you think he's willingly going to turn it over?
GUNN: I think it's worth a try.
CORDELIA: Not gonna happen. The gypsies cursed him with a soul so he could feel remorse—to make him suffer for all the people he slaughtered. Removing that soul is the only way to change Angel back into Angelus.
FRED: A lot easier said than done.
CORDELIA: The gypsy curse was specific. For Angel to lose his soul, he would have to experience a moment of perfect, pure happiness. And right now, happiness of any kind is in... kind of short supply.
(... inside office ...)
ANGEL: You sure?
LORNE: Sorry Bucko, I got nothing. Although your choice of The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia might have thrown me a wee. I'm personally not huge with the Vicki Lawrence love.
ANGEL: Doesn't make sense. I remember everything Angelus did, I did. Every family butchered, every child slaughtered, every throat ripped out. I remember every detail of all of it.
LORNE: So how come you don't have a smidge of any recollection of a giant magma demon with ram horns and goat legs? Hey, alls I can tell you, stud, is if it's in there, it's buried deep—deep inside Angelus.
ANGEL: Then that's where it stays. Even if I wanted it, there's no way to bring Angelus back.
(cut to a temple of some sort, where a praying ninja/monk finds his guard tossed at his feet. Wes enters dramatically)
WESLEY: Rumor has it, you possess certain skills I require. I need a soul extracted.
written by: David Fury and Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: