Buffy lectures: you're all gonna die
from Potential (Season 7)
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(the girls chatter)

RONA: No way. One armed pushups are bull.

KENNEDY: I can do 'em. I can do the kinda way you clap between.

RONA: I'm more of a chin up kinda girl. I can do chin-ups 'til the cows come home.

VI: You're saying demon, and I don't mean to ... Oh, bananas! Imagine yourself covered in human viscera....

(Buffy gets impatient, hurl's a battle-ax at the bull's-eye target hung on the wall.)

BUFFY: You're all gonna die. But you knew that already. 'Cause that's the cool reward for being human. Big dessert at the end of the meal. Don't kid yourselves, you guys. This whole thing is all about death. You think you're different 'cause you might be the next slayer? Death is what a slayer breathes, what a slayer dreams about when she sleeps. Death is what a slayer lives. My death could make you the next slayer. Oh, goody. Rapt attention. I love that so much. Now, where was I? Ah. If we go with what Anya's resources are telling us, then The First is in remission for a while, which we think means advantage us.

RONA: Well, what does that mean? About The First?

BUFFY: As best we can tell, he?or precisely "it"?was putting a lot of stock in that UberVamp thing, the Chaka Khan.

DAWN: (from the stairs) Turok-Han?

BUFFY: So when I kicked its ass, the whole Firsty circus decided to back off for a while. Good news? Means we probably don't have to worry about it pulling Spike's strings for a while. Here's the half-empty. Time away means time to regroup. And part of that regrouping is coming back stronger than ever. The odds are against us. Time is against us. And some of us will die in this battle. Decide now that it's not going to be you. I know you're all tired, far away from home, anxious. But you're all special. Most people in this world have no idea why they're here or what they want to do. You do. You have a mission, a reason for being here. You're not here by chance. You're here because you are the chosen ones. (starts out) Dawn, you better hurry up and eat something so you're not late for school.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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