Willow: So, Ampata. You're a girl.
from Inca Mumy Girl (Season 2)
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BUFFY: Dining room... And this is the kitchen.

Ampata: (amazed) It's very good!

BUFFY: Yeah, you got your stove, your fridge, it's fully functional. We're very into it.

XANDER: (slow and over-pronounced) Would you like a drink?

BUFFY: Uh, let's see, we've got milk, and, uh, oh, older milk... Juice?

Ampata: Please.

WILLOW: So, Ampata. You're a girl.

Ampata: Yes. For many years now.

WILLOW: And not a boy, 'cause we thought a boy was coming, and here ya are in a girl way!

XANDER: It's just one of those crazy mix-ups, Will.

BUFFY: So, have you ever been to America before?

Ampata: Uh, I, I have toured.

XANDER: (slow English again) Where did... you go?

Ampata: I was taken to Atlanta, Boston, New York.

WILLOW: New York! That's exciting. What was that like?

Ampata: I did not see so much.

XANDER: Your English is... very bueno.

Ampata: I listened much.

XANDER: Well, that works out well, because I talk much.

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written by: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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