Xander gets patronized
from Beer Bad (Season 4)
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XANDER: Rough Day?

Girl: Nay, it's been super. We accepted Melody's pledge. And made her an official sister of Beta Delta Gamma. And our pins arrived today. I designed it myself.

XANDER: You are so sharp.

Guy: Hey Paula. You keeping this fine bartender from his duty? A man's gotta make a living.

XANDER: s'all right.

Guy: So the guys and I are about to celebrate

XANDER: Uh, I said it was all right. I'm due for a break.

Guy: Oh, so what were you discussing. Maybe we could all join.

Paula: Be nice

Guy: What?

XANDER: ah, forget it.

Guy: Oh, no I rudely interrupted and it sounds like the two of you were having quite the meeting of minds. Possibly debating the geopolitical ramifications of bioengineering. You got a take on that?

XANDER: I've got beer. You want some beer.

Guy: Yeah, a pitcher of Black Frost. You see I think we have a perfect venue here for conducting a little sociometry. A bi-polar continuum of attraction and rejection. No given your sociological statuses. I foresee a B rejects A dyad. I'm sorry, lemme clarify. You see, we are the future of this country and you keep our bowl of peanuts full. We are what these girls want. And uh, four glasses.

XANDER: How's about I see some ID cause you're not seeing a drop until I'm satisfied that...

Bartender: Just give em a beer.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Lilybunny (lilybunny@hotmail.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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