Faith: See Brits know how to say goodbye. Angel here wanted a hug. from Orpheus (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
CONNOR: All right. I get it. I messed up.
FAITH: Hey, cheer up, punk. That just makes you one of us.
GUNN: You headed out?
FAITH: Yeah, no tears, big guy. (gives Gunn a high-five)
GUNN: Nah, I'm good. I just wish I could've seen you kicking the crap out of junior, here.
FAITH: It was pretty funny. Wes.
WESLEY: Faith.
FAITH: See. Brits know how to say goodbye. Angel here wanted a hug.
ANGEL: No, I didn't.
FAITH: Been a good show.
GUNN: Yeah, sit back and let the girl do all the heavy lifting.
WESLEY: That's pretty much it.
FRED: (walks out of the office with Willow, who's holding a book) I think that volume's outdated. You'd know better than me, but there's some interesting stuff about hellmouth. Might help.
WILLOW: This is great.
FRED: I have to say, someday I'd love to bend your ear about the Pergamum Codex. I—I think some of the really obscure passages are actually Latin translated from a demonic tongue, and they're kind of a hoot. (giggles) All this stuff about Bacchanals and spells and—actually, I think it's probably funnier in Latin. You know how that is sometimes.
WILLOW: (suddenly) I'm seeing someone. (awkward)
FAITH: Time goes by, Will.
WILLOW: OK. Good. Wagons west. See you guys.
ANGEL: Willow...
FAITH: He's going to tell you how much he owes you.
WILLOW: Aw, don't mention it. I got a slayer out of the deal, so we're even-steven. (hugs Angel) I'll tell Buffy you said hi.
ANGEL: Good. Thanks.
WILLOW: Oh, um, next time you guys resurrect Angelus, call me first, OK?
written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: