Xander: So school's back in session, huh?
from Lessons (Season 7)
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XANDER: So, how's it looking? Does the place pass inspection?

BUFFY: Oh, it's great... if you're a zombie ghost thing!

XANDER: So school's back in session, huh?

BUFFY: Seems like old times.

XANDER: So, zombies or ghosts?

BUFFY: I'm not sure. They were in the mirror, but they disappeared. Um, but they touched me, I think. Well, let's just start with dead and pissed.

XANDER: They were after you personally?

BUFFY: They talked about protecting people. Told me to leave.

XANDER: No damage, though.

BUFFY: I think I may have destroyed Dawn's social life in all of about 30 seconds, but apart from that, no.

XANDER: Ah, being popular isn't so great. Or so I've read in books.

BUFFY: This isn't a coincidence, you know, the school being rebuilt. It means something.

XANDER: As in what?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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