Buffy to Riley: What is this? Why won't you talk to me?
from Primeval (Season 4)
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(Buffy sees Riley.)

BUFFY: Riley. Are you hurt? (no answer) Say something!

(Professor Walsh and Dr. Engleman appear.)

BUFFY: What is this? Why won't you talk to me?

ADAM: He can't. He hasn't been programmed to. He's part of the final phase now...as you were supposed to be.

BUFFY: Sorry. I don't jump through hoops on command. I've never really been one to tow the line.

ADAM: Oh. (beat) Kill her.

(Forrest grabs her.)

FORREST: I thought you'd never ask.

(Professor Walsh takes a device and slowly walks toward Buffy. blackout, commercial, resume. Buffy struggles, breaks free.)



(Forrest & Buffy fight. Forrest eventually manages to knock her to the ground)

RILEY: Buffy.

(Forrest punches her in the face. He turns to Riley.)

FORREST: Shut up, and watch me kill your girlfriend, Finn. That's an order.

(He growls and turns around to face Buffy. Cut to Riley. We hear fighting noises coming from Forrest and Buffy. His hand begins moving to the broken glass near by him. He picks up a piece of it. Riley begins ripping at his skin with the glass.)

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Sean Johnson . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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