Joyce: Dawn's not mine, is she? from Listening to Fear (Season 5) |
JOYCE: Buffy, uh, (clears throat) I'm gonna ask you something, a-and if I'm, if I'm being crazy you just tell me, okay?
BUFFY: (nods) You got it.
JOYCE: The other day ... well, actually, I'm, I'm not sure when, the days seem to all bleed together...
BUFFY: It's not important.
JOYCE: No, I guess it isn't. I do know I was ... pretty out of it, and I had ... not-not a dream ... exactly, more like I had this ... knowledge, i-it just came to me like ....truth, you know? Even though it didn't seem...possible, even though I shouldn't even think such things.
BUFFY: What?
JOYCE: That Dawn... She's not ... mine, is she?
(Buffy stares at her mom, then looks down. She comes to a decision and looks Joyce in the eye.)
JOYCE: She's ... she does belong to us, though.
BUFFY: Yes, she does.
JOYCE: And she's important. To the world. Precious. As precious as you are to me.
(Buffy smiles and nods again. Joyce nods back. )
JOYCE: Then we have to take care of her. Buffy, promise me. If anything happens, if I don't come through this-
JOYCE: No, listen to me. No matter what she is, she still feels like my daughter. I have to know that you'll take care of her, that you'll keep her safe. That you'll love her like I love you.
BUFFY: (teary) I promise.
JOYCE: Good. Good.
(They hug. )
JOYCE: Oh, my sweet brave Buffy. What would I do without you?
(cut to Joyce being wheeled away on a gurney towards her operation. Buffy and Dawn with arms around each other, watching. Behind them we can see Riley, Xander, Anya, Giles, Tara, and Willow.)
written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at: