Andrew: 6 months ago, Buffy, Vampyr Slayer extraordinaire, had her lesbian witch make with the beaucoup de magie. All the potentials became slayers. from Damage (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
WESLEY: We were just about to bring everyone up to speed on slayer mythology.
ANDREW: I'll take it from here, Pryce. Best they hear it from an expert.
SPIKE: Oh, right. Let the top man have a go.
WESLEY: Please... enlighten us.
ANDREW: Gather around and attend to a most unusual tale... a tale I like to call... The Slayer of the Vampyrs. Eons ago, on the dark continent, 3 wise elders decided to fight evil with a taste of its own sinistro. They took a young girl, and they imbued her with the power of a demon. (crooks his forefingers above Fred's head, forming makeshift horns) Thusly, the first Slayer of the Vampyrs was born. But alas, the existence of a slayer is often brutal and short-lived. And the primitive, as she was called, boasted no exception. But... the elders had foreseen this inevitability and...and devised a way for her power to live on.
FRED: In every generation, one is chosen.
ANDREW: Yes, attractive, slender woman. There are many potentials, as we experts call them.
WESLEY: Hundreds...maybe thousands per generation.
ANDREW: Each of them experiencing vivid dreams... some say nightmares... of the heroics of past slayers. But only one can be chosen.
ANGEL: That's, um...really great, but we...actually know all that.
ANDREW: You think you know, my good man. You think you know.
(lights his pipe, smokes it, coughs)
LORNE: Uh, wait. So if there's only one slayer, what is little miss whack-your-head-off doing scampering around?
SPIKE: Little Sunnydale surprise.
ANDREW: 6 months ago, Buffy, Vampyr Slayer extraordinaire, had her lesbian witch make with the beaucoup de magie. One light show later...
ANGEL: All the potentials become slayers.
WESLEY: An army of slayers. Brilliant stratagem. But with the watchers council destroyed, how will these new slayers receive their necessary—
ANDREW: Mr. Giles and a few key Sunnydale alum have been tracking down the recently chosen...
(reaches down to grab his brown-bag lunch; it's labeled with the British Union Jack flag and written under it is ANDREW WC)
ANDREW: uh, guiding them, training them...
(takes a Zip-Loc baggie of goldfish crackers out of the bag and starts to eat them)
ANDREW: giving them the full X-Men, minus the crappy third act. But this Dana girl—she's an anomaly that no one could have foreseen—tortured, traumatized... driven insane by Yoda knows who.
ANGEL: And then the dreams of demons and superpowers she's always had suddenly become real.
WESLEY: The dreams of slayers are usually just that—dreams. But Dana's mental instability may be making them seem more real.
ANDREW: My hypothesis exactly, Pryce. (takes a small red notebook out of his breast pocket) I see Mr. Giles may have been wrong about you. (nods, writes in his notebook)
SPIKE: Explains why that skirt was yappin' at me in Chinese. Must've thought she was the slayer I took out back in the Boxer Rebellion.
ANGEL: You mean the slayer you murdered.
SPIKE: Well, I didn't have a soul back then, did I?
ANGEL: Right, 'cause having one now is making such a difference.
SPIKE: You corporates go ahead with your talky-talk. Anybody needs me, I'll be out doin' *his* (indicates Angel) job. (exit)
written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: