Wesley to Virginia: this is difficult for you, isn't it? breaking up with me...
from Reprise (Season 2)
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WESLEY: (On couch, wearing bathrobe.) I stood up to him, that's the important thing.

VIRGINIA: But you couldn't have done it metaphorically? You know, in with a stern word? You had to do it in the actual I'm-actually-standing-up-now-and-popping-six-stitches way? I guess - before all this happened I never really considered just how dangerous your work was.

WESLEY: Well, of course what I do is dangerous. You forgetting how we met? You were strapped to a sacrificial altar while the goddess Yeska was called forth from the nether regions to consume you.

VIRGINIA: But I grew up with all that sort of stuff. Creepy crawlies and scary monsters I can handle. But guns? Kind of makes it all a little too real, you know?

WESLEY: The gun was fired by a zombie, if it makes you feel any better.

VIRGINIA: You know, strangely, it doesn't. (Cuddling Wesley) Does it always seem like it's a battle worth fighting?

WESLEY: Some less than others.

VIRGINIA: Collectively I mean. Most people, they don't even acknowledge the evil, let alone try and fight it. And they don't have to wrap themselves in bandages to keep their insides from falling out.

WESLEY: That's true.

VIRGINIA: I don't suppose you'd ever consider - maybe giving it up - for something else?

WESLEY: Could you be with someone who would?

VIRGINIA: I don't know. But sometimes I feel like I should be wrapped in bandages - to keep *my* insides from falling out.

WESLEY: (swallows) This is difficult for you, isn't it?

VIRGINIA: I just don't like to see you hurt.

WESLEY: No. I mean... I mean breaking up with me.

(Virginia looks up at Wesley, but doesn't say anything.)

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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