Connor to Angel: Hi Dad.
from The Price (Season 3)

CORDELIA: Two incoming. Four o'clock.

(Angel whirls, slices them. Distracted, Cordy misses a sluk poised to attack her. It leaps, she catches it. her hand starts to glow white.)

CORDELIA: Angel...? What's... happening... to... me ?

(white light spreads, flares out of her, the sluks are destroyed by the light. Cordy lights up the entire hotel, and all the sluks explode.)

LORNE: Okay, unless anyone else has something, let me be the first to say WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

ANGEL: Cordelia. That... was Cordelia.

GROO: You are truly a goddess.

CORDELIA: Well, demonness, anyway. Sure beats horns and a tail.

LORNE: (offended) Hey. I'm standing right here.

ANGEL: (Re Fred) She okay?

GUNN: Yeah. I, uh... got this idea... Alcohol. Dehydrates the body. Gets the slug out. Okay, so I took off when those things started coming outta the floor. I mean, it's not like I was running out on you. I was... (then) Look, somebody I care about was dying and I just couldn't sit around and debate strategy. I saw an opportunity to... to... get some kinda help... Hey, I did what I had to do. And if you don't get that--

(He stops, recognizing the phrase.)

ANGEL: I think I get it.

GUNN: Yeah. Guess you do.

ANGEL: So... We good?

(Gunn nods.)

LORNE: Good? We're not good. Everybody forgetting a little unexpected company on the way. Goes by the initials of The Destroyer?

(FRED suddenly awakens with a start.)

FRED: The Destroyer! I remember... The Destroyer's coming...

CORDELIA: Right. We got that. Any idea when?

FRED: Um... I think...

(Suddenly, a dimensional tear opens in the ceiling)

FRED: Now.

(A large cgi monster drops snarling to the floor. It's about to attack when another figure emerges from the portal, and easily dispatches the monster on its way down. The figure, a teenaged boy, straightens up, levels a stake-shooting weapon at Angel)


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written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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