Cordy to Connor: You're very special, but last night can't happen again.
from Habeas Corpses (Season 4)
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(Cordelia wakes up, registers Connor, looks like she can't believe what she's done.)

CONNOR: (chipper) Mornin'. Did the world end?

CORDELIA: Not exactly.

CONNOR: (kisses her shoulder) That's a good thing.

CORDELIA: Don't do that.

CONNOR: (smiles and cuddles to her shoulder) Do what?

CORDELIA: That. The look. The happy puppy look. Makes it harder.

CONNOR: Makes what harder?

CORDELIA: You're very special, Connor. Last night will always be special, and something we both needed, but it happened because of unusual circumstances. You understand what I'm saying?

CONNOR: (smiles) Yeah, that it was special.

CORDELIA: That it can't happen again.

CONNOR: B— (the smile fades from his face) Why?

CORDELIA: You're Angel's son. It rained fire last night—never a good sign. And a giant demony beast crawled out from the earth where you were born.

CONNOR: You think it's my fault?

CORDELIA: No. I told you last night I didn't. I said—

CONNOR: Yeah, you said a lot of things last night. You said it didn't matter anymore, that we were real—

CORDELIA: And I meant them.

CONNOR: (angrily) Yeah, then. Today it's all my fault. You know, the fire demon—all of it!

CORDELIA: Don't be— Look, all I said was—

CONNOR: That I can't be with you.

(grabs his shirt and storms out)

CORDELIA: Connor...

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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