Angel: Darla's right. We were amateurs compared to Wolfram & Hart.
from The Trial (Season 2)
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(Hyperion, at night. Cordy hears someone open the doors and turns to Wesley, who's reading a newspaper.)

CORDELIA: (in a whisper) Angel's back and he has *Darla* with him!

(Wesley and Cordy walk around the counter to confront Angel and Darla.)

CORDELIA: Hi. (Sees the bag Darla is carrying) You're - planning on sleeping over?

DARLA: (puts down the bag) I'm dying.

CORDELIA: So just for the one night then.

WESLEY: Dying?

DARLA: He doesn't believe it.

WESLEY: Angel, what's going on?

ANGEL: Wolfram and Hart showed her some medical files supposedly proving that she's only got a few months left to live.

CORDELIA: So maybe *more* than the one night.

WESLEY: And you believe it's some kind of trick.

ANGEL: We're talking about Wolfram and Hart! Of course it's a trick. They're trying to play some kind of mind game.

WESLEY: To what end?

ANGEL: I don't know, but we're not gonna take the bait.

DARLA: No, you just don't wanna believe it, that's all.

ANGEL: I don't wanna believe anything from them.

WESLEY: It's true. They can't really be trusted.

DARLA: I don't trust them, but I know a thing or two about mind games. (To Angel) So do you. We played them together for over a century.

CORDELIA: Yes, but you were just soulless bloodsucking demons, they're lawyers.

ANGEL: She's right. We were amateurs.

DARLA: And if you're wrong?

ANGEL: (after a beat) I'm not. And I'm gonna prove it to you. (to Wes and Cordy) Can you guys just watch over her for a while? I'll be back soon.

WESLEY: Of course.

CORDELIA: Don't worry about a thing.

ANGEL: Thanks.

DARLA: You can't force me to stay here.

ANGEL: You're not a prisoner.

DARLA: I've been hearing that a lot lately.

ANGEL: Just give me a chance. - Okay?

(After a moment Angel turns and leaves.)

CORDELIA: So, first up - you're a prisoner.

WESLEY: I'd have to concur with that, yes.

CORDELIA: See, you've got our friend - all - in knots.

WESLEY: Can't say we like you much.

CORDELIA: So, sorry about the dying, but if you try to escape - we *will* hit you.

WESLEY: On the head.

CORDELIA: With very large and heavy objects. - Okay?

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