Gunn: it's been hard, since that thing with her professor
from Apocalypse Nowish (Season 4)
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GUNN: (to phone) I'm sorry. I know, but we're pretty swamped right now. Well, if Snowball hasn't tried to eat your spine yet, hit her with the catnip until we get there. (hangs up)

LORNE: (to phone) No, I-I don't think that much mucus is ever a good sign. Uh-huh. Oh, please, please, again, describe it in detail. (holds phone to chest, to Gunn) Hey, uh, this isn't letting up. How 'bout, uh, rustling up some adorable reinforcements?

GUNN: I don't know where she is.

LORNE: Well, uh, that's where the rustling comes in.

GUNN: Well, if Fred wanted to be here, she would.

LORNE: (to phone) Uh, yeah, that sounds horrible. Hold please. (hangs up, to Gunn) You two OK?

GUNN: Ask her that. Maybe she'll talk to you.

LORNE: (answers phone) Angel Investigations. Hold please. (to Gunn) Hey, I don't know what's going on between cupcake and her icing, but you know how she feels about you. It doesn't take horns and a beautiful singing voice to be able to read that.

GUNN: It's just—it's been hard since that thing with her Professor.

LORNE: Well, being stuck in Pylea is pretty crappy, but being sent there on purpose by someone you trust— Hey, at least Dr. Ego got a taste of his own portal.

GUNN: Yeah. He got what he deserved, didn't he?

(There's a thud against the windowpane in the front doors. Gunn goes to investigate; he cracks the door open to see what it was. )

GUNN: It's a sparrow. Slammed right into the glass.

LORNE: (alarmed) Close the door.

GUNN: He might not be dead.

LORNE: Close it!

(Hundreds more sparrows slam into the glass so hard that they explode, leaving blood splatters all over the doors and windows. )

GUNN: I'm guessing this isn't a good sign.

LORNE: Yeah, as harbingers go—not so much.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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