Cordelia: Ethros demon, Ethros Box
from I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1)
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ANGEL: Anything?

CORDELIA: (handing him a book) Ethros demon, Ethros box.

ANGEL: Hmm, this is what’s used to trap it.

CORDELIA: It says right here the demon goes all dingy when it’s forced out. Bad sense of direction or something. If you have one of these boxes, it’ll go right into it.

ANGEL: 'There to be confined for a thousand years'.

CORDELIA: Which ought to do it, right? Of course without one of these...

ANGEL: The demon will try to make the jump to the nearest warm body.

CORDELIA: Right. So you’re safe anyway. Maybe we can build one of these.

ANGEL: Ah, an authentic Ethros box is made of '600 species of virgin woods and handcrafted by blind Tibetan monks'.

CORDELIA: Nope. Don’t know any.

(Angel writes an address on a piece of paper and hands it to Cordy.)

ANGEL: Melrose and Robertson, between the yogurt shop and the Doggy Dunk.

CORDELIA: Blind virgin monks?

ANGEL: No, Rick’s Magic ‘n’ Stuff. If anyone in LA will have an Ethros box, it’ll be Rick. Better hurry.


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written by: David Greenwalt & Jeanine Renshaw; Original transcript by anoymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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